
 We will be pleased to have you  join us as we dedicate  time to embrace and share God’s  love. The fast will begin  at 6:00 pm January 7, 2018  and continue thru 6:00 pm   January 28, 2018.  This Guidelines is  designed to help you along your spiritual journey.  A life of serving Jesus is the most exciting life you can ever imagine.



“So I turned to the Lord God and pleaded with him in prayer and petition, in fasting.” – Daniel 9:3

The Daniel Fast is a 21-day partial fast based upon the prophet Daniel’s experiences in the Bible. The purpose of the fast is to restrict commonly enjoyed foods as an act of worship and consecration to God. Someone who chooses to undergo a Daniel Fast demonstrates a physical commitment to pursue a closer relationship with the Lord.

On one occasion, Daniel was greatly concerned for his people and sought the Lord’s wisdom during a time of prayer and fasting. Daniel 10:2-3 says, “At that time I, Daniel, mourned for three weeks. I ate no choice food; no meat or wine touched my lips.” The meaning of “choice food” is not clear; however, most commentaries conclude that he ate no bread or sweets. The Message translation sums up Daniel’s eating habits during that time: “I ate only plain and simple food.”

The idea behind the fast is not to duplicate Daniel’s menu but to imitate his spiritual hunger. Daniel’s passion for the Lord caused him to seek spiritual food rather than physical food, which should be the desire for anyone doing the Daniel Fast.

The food guidelines are given to help you set boundaries for your fast. They’re not meant to push you into legalism. The focus of the Daniel Fast is not the food. Instead, it’s all about setting your eyes on the Father and drawing near to Him. To view a detailed list of foods, see Food Guidelines.



In the Old Testament, when the Nation of Israel sought to hear God’s voice clearly, repent before the Lord,or conquer  an enemy,  they engaged  in a  collective fast  (Daniel 9:3-5;  Deut 9: 15-18;  2 Chron.  20:3-4).

 Within the  New Testament we  see that Jesus  not only embarked  on a 40  day fast before  beginning His ministry, but He  also EXPECTED his  followers to fast  (Matt. 6:16-18; Matt. 9:14-17).  During Abundant Life 21days of fasting  and prayer, it will be  a wonderful time of hearing  God, receiving guidance and continuing to maximize our potential for God’s Glory.



The 21-Day Daniel  Fast is a corporate  fast in which  the entire Abundant Life Church can participate.   While many of you are  familiar and have done 3-Day,  Liquid, Partial, or even 40  - Day fasts, this one is a Vegetable, Fruit,  Water and Juice fast.

 To help ensure we all are  successful during this fast, Abundant Life  will be providing        

1)  a 21-Day Fasting  and Prayer Guideline 

2) A  Daily confession,  

3) Daily scripture reading

We want  everyone to use  these 21-Days of  Consecration to write  out your goals  and what  you seek to accomplish during this time.  What are some areas you want to see victory in your life?  What sins are you struggling with that you want to conquer once and for all?  Habakkuk 2:3 says, “write the vision down and make it plain...”.    We encourage you to write down your  goals.  A goals sheet will be  provided for you to chart your progress  and success.   I want  to encourage you to  keep a journal  so you can  hear what the Lord is saying to you during this time of prayer, meditation and reflection.


Remember:   Fasting doesn’t  change God, fasting  changes you!   Rely in  the Word of  God to transform your life and confirm your will to his will.


A word to Couples:   During this time, married couples should also abstain from  intimate relationships. (I Corinthians 7:3-5)



 1.    Fasting from “creature comforts” can be substituted for individuals with medical concerns. If you are pregnant  or have  a medical condition,  consult  with your physician  BEFORE participating  in the fast.

 2.    Children, especially small children, will have special needs that must be considered.  Under these conditions,  find  some sacrifice  in the area of  toys or food  (candy, fast food)  that can be made without  endangering  health.

 3.    If you have extreme difficulty with the fast, such as impairment of your ability to work at your job, you will have to make adjustments.  Seek the Lord  and discuss  it with other  mature Christians  involved in  the fast to find  alternatives.

“God’s kingdom  isn’t a matter  of what you  put in your stomach,  for goodness  sake. It’s  what God does with  your life as  He sets it right,  puts it together,  and completes  it with joy.  Your task is to single-mindedly  serve Christ.”  (Romans  14, The Message,  p.332)


How to Begin

Start with  a clear goal.  Be specific.  Why are you fasting?  Do you  need direction,  healing, restoration  ofmarriage  or family issues?  Are you facing  financial difficulties?  Ask the  Holy Spirit  for guidance.  Pray daily and  read the Bible


Preparing  Spiritually

Confess your  sins to God.  Ask the Holy  Spirit to reveal  areas of weakness.  Forgive  all who have offended you  and ask forgiveness  from  those you may  have offended (Mark 11:25Luke 11:4; 17:3-4).  Surrender  your life fully  to Jesus Christ  and reject  the worldly desires that try  to hinder you  (Romans 12:1-2).


What to expect

When you  fast your body  detoxifies, eliminating  toxins  from your  system. This can cause a mild discomfort  such as headaches  and irritability  during  withdrawal  from caffeine and  sugars. And naturally, you  will have hunger  pains. Limit  your activity  and exercise  moderately. Take  time to rest. Fasting brings  about miraculous  results.  You are following  Jesus' example  when you  fast. Spend time listening  to praise and  worship. Pray  as often as  you can throughout  the day. Get  away from the normal distractions  as  much as possible  and keep your  heart and  mind set on seeking  God's face.


How to End

Don't over  eat when the  time comes to  end your fast.  Begin eating  solid food gradually;  eat  smallportions  or snacks


Click Image for Entire 21-day Daniel Fast Package